
As a follow up to our article in June entitled “CPR/AED Training Poised to be Added to Curriculum for New York State Students in Senior High Schools,” we are pleased to state that the Board of Regents has finally approved the new Commissioner Regulation 100.2(c)(11) requiring the teaching of hands-only CPR and use of AED training for all New York State Students in Senior High Schools prior to graduation. Public comment was sought this past summer and after receiving positive comments concerning this new curriculum requirement, the Board took action on September 17, 2015, to approve this regulation. The final text of Commissioner Regulation 100.2(c)(11) that was approved can be found here. The adopted regulation goes into effect October 7, 2015.
This requirement is a great step towards improving the safety of students, teachers, and all district staff, as well as the community at large. School districts should immediately discuss the allocation of funds for the implementation of hands-only CPR training and the use of AED machines, and discuss how it will be implemented, i.e. what instructor would lead the course, what course of study should offer the training, what materials/supplies will be needed for instruction, etc. As the regulation is effective October 7, 2015, the senior Class of 2016 will be required to receive this training prior to graduation.
Honeywell Law Firm, PLLC, is available to assist Districts in complying with the new regulation, including answering any questions or concerns Districts have surrounding the implementation of additional curriculum, particularly the impact contracts between Districts and Teachers will have on implementing additional curriculum, as well as budgetary concerns. Contact us for further information.
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