Happy New Year! Honeywell Law Firm, PLLC is excited to introduce From the Well© publications.

Happy New Year!…

Happy New Year!

2025 begins the second quarter of the first century of the millennium. This year also marks the beginning of the Honeywell Law Firm’s second decade as a leading education/labor firm in New York State. We are proud of our success and growth. We enter our tenth year, larger than we have ever been and with our most well-rounded team of attorneys and legal professionals.

As we embark on the new year, HWLF is adding to the services we provide clients and the greater legal community. From the Well© is a new, regular publication we will be providing on our website and through the usual social media venues. It will share insight on education and labor laws. We will highlight recent changes to statutes and regulations impacting schools and municipalities. We will also share insights on hot issues facing clients. For example, recently we fielded several inquiries about whether employees can establish GoFundMe accounts to raise money for various purposes (buy yearbooks, help a struggling family, etc.) Our first issue of From the Well© answers questions about crowdfunding. Other issues might address tenure, Juul agreements or in light of new change related to regionalization, inter-municipal agreements.

As you expect, this publication is guidance and insight but NOT legal advice. As with any legal issue, you must always consult your attorney – at Honeywell Law Firm or otherwise – to receive accurate legal advice on specific issues you face.

We hope you have a great New Year and enjoy find our regular musings on the law helpful and informative.

The HWLF Team

©2025, Honeywell Law Firm all rights reserved. Reprint with permission only.

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