
On Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Managing Shareholder, Jeffrey Honeywell presented to the New York State Association of School Personnel Administrators at their Annual Conference held at the Otesaga Hotel in Cooperstown on the topic of "Basics of Public Sector Collective Bargaining".
The New York State Association for School Personnel Administrators (NYSASPA) was established in 1966 to serve as a resource to human resource administrators in school districts and BOCES across the state. NYSASPA is an affiliate of American Association for School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) established in 1938, also dedicated to provide members with "services, resources, and information vital to successful school HR practices in the interest of students."
The main objectives of the Association are:
1. To promote the use of merit, fitness and professional qualifications as the criteria for recruitment, selection, appointment, retention and advancement of public school personnel.
2. To promote among members the interchange of ideas, data and information regarding operational practices in order to effect improvement in administration of school personnel.
3. To promote continued improvement in certification standards and methods used in the selection process for appointment and promotion of school personnel, and to develop policies related to current problems in school personnel administration.
4. To acquaint teacher applicants in particular, and to alert citizens in general, with the needs, opportunities and procedures for securing and retaining professional school employment.
5. To cooperate with interested community agencies and professional associations in the furtherance of the aforesaid aims and purposes.
6. To develop ethical procedures and to promote their practice in school personnel administration.
For more information on Collective Bargaining, please feel free to contact our office at (518) 512-4580 or email us at For more information on NYSASPA please click here.
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